Your GA4/GTM access:
- • Your team admin will set up a SJU Google account for your team to access GA4 and GTM and I will provide read access for both into the data from this DSS730 class team project information website.
• You will also use this to access the data and tags for your team project site and the GA4 demo site.
• Download the Analytics phone app (optional)
The site – You need these basic component services:
- A site host
- A registered domain (URL) you own
- An SSL encryption certificate
- A content manager with user-friendly editing and templates (e.g., WordPress)
The host will usually include domain registration and SSL site encryption in their pricing. Note many of them are actually less expensive when you buy 12 months at a big discount instead of a monthly plan for the 4 months you will need it. The total cost per team should not exceed $50. We have had experience with several of them in this class and found:
- I recommend Hostinger. They offer both WordPress (WP) hosting or a native site builder for the same price which is quite good with many starter templates. They make GTM integration easy and their whole onboarding process is quite user friendly. Their least expensive plan with coupons or discounts is less than $40 for a whole year. They also make it easy to convert a site built with their site builder to WP. A big plus. They also include the necessary domain and SSL certificate. Click on “CLAIM ORDER” for the Premium plan to see the 12 month option.
- Bluehost is also an excellent and cheap option.
- I would avoid Wix and GoDaddy. They have really nice site builders, but it gets more expensive to get the features you will want and adding Google Tag Manager (required) can be difficult unless you use their WordPress option.
- If you wish to use another host, please consult with me first.
Once you have a site/domain and a test home page, the next steps will be taken by your team site master and Google administrator.
In summary, the steps for the team site admin go as follows: (more detailed instructions follow)
- Choose your host and purchase your hosting plan, go into your host administration page, and claim or connect your domain (one you already have or one you choose and secure at that time.)
- Then initialize your site with at least a home page using WP or the site builder (content manager) provided by your hosting service. You will need the domain URL for the next step.
- Your team Google tools admin will sign into Google Analytics 4; create the GA4 account and provide access to the other team members. Note the Measurement ID for this account data stream as you will need it later.
- Set up the Google Tag Manager account for the team (see below) – again using your team Google Like GA4, you can give your teammates access once this is done. Note your Container ID (GTM-xxxxxxx). You may need this for step 5.
- Install the single GTM container tag on your site:
- If using WP, there are several available plugins for this. I highly recommend Google SiteKit.
- If using Hostinger site builder see this page.
- Create and publish the initial GTM Configuration tag to start sending data to your GA4 data stream.