Before you publish, it is a good idea to test the tag to make sure it is working. Click on PREVIEW; Now you can test the whole setup:
- You should see something like this in the TAG ASSISTANT tab in your browser
- If you click on the CONTAINER LOADED event and VARIABLES; you should see this:
- Note debug_mode is set, and it is capturing your site
- IF all is well, go back to the workspace tab and click on SUBMIT to publish the tag;
- You will be asked to give this version of the workspace a name and description of the changes.
- Another verification is to go into GA4 real time reporting, and you should see the GTM test pageview and any other traffic from you or your teammates there.
- See this page for additional help:
- If you have set up the DEBUG MODE parameter, you can also use this to test all your tags. See this tutorial:
- One other thing you can check in your GA4 account is to go into Admin>Data Streams>click on your data stream and see this:
- Your Google G-Tag ID should match your Measurement ID and flow to GA4 for your site domain.